Thursday, November 3, 2011

Times They are a Changing......

Well sort of.  First of all, I last blogged in MAY? Really?  Ha, not blogging, but certainly no time!  Things in life are constantly changing.  Lately in my life they are changing for the better!  I've been struggling with family time/work time for a while now.  When I began coaching I was a stay at home mom with two toddlers 1.5 years apart.  When 5 o'clock rolled around, I was ready to escape the house and have some me time.... so coaching was my outlet.

Coaching allowed me to teach, my passion in life, while keeping hours that worked well for my family, early morning and evenings.  Well the times they are a changing...... I am going on months now of welcoming the kids home off the bus, feeding them a snack then leaving and missing the dinner/bedtime routine on a regular basis.  I am no longer willing to miss this quality time with my quickly growing children and find myself longing to be back in the classroom and a routine that would mesh well with the rest of my family.

And so, I am back in school to renew my teaching license and get back into the classroom!  Since I have committed to this journey my smiles have been more frequent, I feel giddy about getting back into a classroom where I feel at home, comfortable and knowledgeable! I am hopeful that I will be placed in the right school where my family will benefit from my placement and I will be put into the lives of other people's children who need me!

What else is going on?  Well, I am still coaching, organizing races and teaching classes at the gym.  Some of that will phase out, some will always be a part of our lives. I am finding a balance and working towards what I really want to do in life.........

"When I grow up I want to be a teacher."- Kelly Roszak (Age 6)

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